When we talk about using muslin fabrics for embroidery, most beginners have this question in mind considering the nature of this material, “Is muslin fabric good for embroidery?” the answer is yes! We have a few pointers up our sleeve for convincing anyone who doubts this statement; let’s have a brief look at muslin cloth, its history and more.
Muslin Cloth 101:
Muslin is a reasonably versatile fabric that is regarded as one of the top tier fabrics for embroidery. It was first introduced in Europe from the Middle East back in 17th century. Muslin is a popular material that makes tote linings, apparel or garments, backing, quilts, or more.
Compared with other fabrics,, muslin is less expensive, making it an excellent choice for test fabrics. If you are a beginner, this fabrics can be of great help.
Is Muslin Fabric Good For Embroidery?
Here’s why muslin fabric is fit for embroidery just like any other material:
- Muslin comes under the category of natural woven fabrics, and it is made up of cotton, which is undoubtedly the best and easiest form of material for stitching.
- This fabric has an even weave that makes stitching easy and very tidy throughout. Even weave helps pull the needle and thread through without putting much effort.
- Muslin cloth piece is relatively cost effective, readily available online and in stores; therefore, its increased accessibility is one of the reasons why it has held its position high amongst embroidered fabric.
- Mostly, you will find muslin undyed and unbleached, making it a suitable choice for the neutral fabric to be embroidered.
Design Choice for Embroidery
The material is very light and transparent; if you are planning to make large designs, go for simple and spacious work. Any complex design, such as one that requires layering or shading in any way, will make the fabric pucker up; and in those cases, no stabilization or hooping would help.
However, do not restrict yourself. If you want to go for floral patterns that have filled areas, go for smaller sizes, best quality fabric, a sturdy stabilizer and tight hooping.
Muslin, a very versatile fabric, is found in many weights and forms. High–quality cloth is soft and smooth, evenly spun, maintaining uniform thread width throughout. These are often used in their original form, unchanged.
Other coarser ones having low quality are bleached or dyed; they are unevenly spun and categorized in low-grade material.
- Gauze – it is the best ultra-light weighing sheer muslin.
- Mull – plain lightweight made of cotton, sometimes silk or viscose. They are used as underlining and provide weight and structure for testing garments.
- Swiss – this form has raised patterns and frequently used for warm climatic regions.
- Sheeting – coarsest or thickest form of muslin.
Embroidery on Muslin
Muslin is a loose-woven fabric and works exceptionally well when paired with a light-medium weighing cutaway stabilizer. The use of this equipment ensures crisp results; all you need is a hoop and work with it. Hooping and stabilizing equipment together prevent fabric shifting puckering and results in a clean, precise design.
However, in cases when you have a see-through or nearly transparent cloth, using a tear-away or water soluble stabilizer is essential.
Choice of Needle
Embroidery or sharp needle both work fine on this piece. Since muslin fabric does not have a tight weave, embroidery needles leave larger holes in this as compared to the sharp needle. Moreover, embroidery needles may leave the design a bit fuzzy, in such a case scenario, go for a sharp needle for defined, crisp design.
Pre-shrunk muslin is available; however, you should play safe and always wash the fabric after purchase before getting it embroidered. Machine wash is applicable using warm water and gentle cycles. The good thing is that tumble drying is allowed but on low level. You can also use a cool iron on it as well.
Sewing Tips
Here is a summary of sewing the muslin right.
- Sharp needle is preferred for a defined, sleek design.
- Stabilizer of 2.5 ounces, tear way with light designs.
- Design choice should be light, not very complex and spacious.
Muslin Uses
Dresses Or Garments
This material is frequently used as a test material, for now, patterns by designers.
It is the most sought material for backing in a quilt.
Home Décor
Fit for use as curtains or bed sheets or towels, gives airy and spacious vibe.
Cleaning Cloth
Muslins are a popular cleaning cloth material, ranging from face to counter tops. The reason behind this is its easy washing, drying and cleaning properties.
This fabric holds dye pretty well and, therefore, a good option for theatre scrims, backdrop, etc. Moreover, its light weight makes transportation from one place to another easy.
Aids In Cheese Making
Women at home often used muslin for cheese or curd making because it’s evenly spun.
Muslin gauze is wrapped around the wound for making the artery stronger or prevent rupture.
Handling Muslin
Gentle washing and drying are of prime importance since it is lightweight and extremely fragile.
- You can always switch to hand washing with cold water
- Use gentle detergent for washing purposes
- Air dry the cloth; however, low level tumble drying is also acceptable.
The best way to choose is to pick a few samples and then start working on them. If you have doubts regarding the choice of good quality fabrics, head to Royal Motif Fabrics for help.